Sunday, May 8, 2011

Because what I do is so human

Everyday I approach my students with the sincere effort to exchange information. I value their insight and the knowledge they have acquired from their experiences. I hope they value what I want to teach/share with them also. Here is where I must utilize all I have learned to help me spark their interest, knowing that sometimes it will work, and other times it will send me back to the drawing board. Communication within the classroom is in part rehearsed, planned, but must also be spontaneous, and above all real. A person in the teaching space must be aware of the dynamics of crafting a lesson and also humble and smart to know it will always be a process that gets better with practice and the ability to be yourself. This aspect of relating to students in an honest way,I believe is the glue to the lesson, perhaps a moment of your human self exposed is what they will remember.